
  1. Keith

    News Bug RCE Yang Belum Diperbaiki pada Project Dompdf Mempengaruhi Konversi HTML ke PDF

    Para peneliti telah mengungkapkan kerentanan keamanan yang belum ditambal di " dompdf ," pengonversi HTML ke PDF berbasis PHP, yang, jika berhasil dieksploitasi, dapat menyebabkan eksekusi kode jarak jauh dalam konfigurasi tertentu. "Dengan menyuntikkan CSS ke dalam data yang diproses oleh...

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  • HaxorID used to be a community website for technology lovers, especially in the field of cyber security to learn, or develop their skills together for educational purposes. This is a place where we learn, a place where we can share information among members for research and share knowledge in the field of cyber security.

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