[Bash] Wordpress Fast Bruteforce

Hello friends :v
Okay, in this post, I want to share the WordPress Bruteforce [BASH] tool, so it's faster! :D

Of course you are not familiar with the name bruteforce, so take a guess :v, For those of you who don't know what bruteforce is, here is the meaning of bruteforce:

In cryptography, a brute force attack consists of an attacker sending multiple ciphers or passphrases in the hope that they will eventually guess correctly. The attacker systematically checks all possible passwords and passphrases until the correct one is found. [Source: Wikipedia]

Now the tools that I share this time are tools made for Websites that use the WordPress CMS.

bash wpfastbrute.sh


  • wpfastbrute.sh
    4.6 KB · Views: 7

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